
If we ever meet again


04-11-2014, 01:56 PM

He would recline onto his haunches with a heavy sigh, and her ears would fold atop her skull as she glanced away from him, unsure what to do. He would sit there for a moment before turning his gaze back toward her, her hackles raising a bit as he began to speak as she was expecting something foul right back. She would remain silent throughout his little speech, her frigid stare trailing his movements as he set down the herbs before her, explaining them both with a hint of sarcasm. Of course she did not "like" bleeding to death; not that she actually was or anything. When he mentioned moving to a sanctuary of some sort her lip would curl slightly, revealing the whitened tips of her canines as she glared daggers at him. "I am fine Alpine. I do not need your herbs nor your help." She would huff, her tail flicking out in irritation as she attempted to lift herself up and literally show him.

Her front limbs uncoil as she attempted to sprawl out onto her belly, a pained moan seeping through her clenched lips as she battled the agony with perseverance. Her thighs would press against her sides, and she would begin to lift herself upward using her font limbs, and instantly they would quiver beneath her weight. She would begin to rise farther off the earth, her chest lifting as she forced herself onto her haunches. Her legs would tremble beneath her as she held herself up, her tail coiling against her bodice as she stared at him with cold, narrowed eyes. She would deliever a silent message along the lines of "see, I don't need your help" before her weak gaze would drift away from his stare. She would remain sitting up despite the immense pain she felt in her legs, side, and head. She had to prove a point.
