
The Black Butterfly


04-11-2014, 02:55 PM

Again her attacks landed, but the girl gave the woman a surprise. She would buck, trying to in vain to lift the heavier Queen off her, but to no avail, jaws simply tightened and she allowed her upper body to relax in an attempt to make herself heavier. Her adversary would then attempt to throw her head back, wanting to strike the Queens own skull. Immediately the Queen would release her, wanting to avoid being struck by the thick bone of her skull. As soon the ebony woman was released however, the fight would leave her body, and she attempted to slip away from the silver woman's grasp. Limbs would bring her forward, never letting the girl get far. Lips curled back against fangs as the darker woman spoke, claiming that was not over. "No, it definitely is not my dear."

What the woman did next would surprise the Queen, though it didn't show. Coral pools watched as the woman bowed, speaking respectively to her and even offering a compliment. Her frigid expression would not change, remaining locked in place as she watched her opponent slip away. The Queen would only relax once the woman was out of few. Tongue would wipe away any blood on her muzzle, her hackles would drop along with the rest of her defenses, though her posture remained rigid. Her chest throbbed as the bruising settled into. Her gaze would shift to the two men who had taken a seat to watch the show. Without a word the Queen would depart, fully intending on returning home, without interrupt this time.

-exit cat-