
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-11-2014, 04:10 PM

The name was given, followed by a quick and deliberate chuckle from the blue queen. Oh Ebony, so touchy. The chuckle bubbled off of her lips and then faded, lasting only a moment or two. ?Isardis and I too offered them an alliance, but alas they were quick to make wrongful assumptions of us. Their Queen seems particularly touchy, I wouldn't take it personally.? She couldn't help but think they were foolish to be so picky when their pack was still so new, but alas - she couldn't change their minds. Sendoa knew a proper ally when she saw one, and Cataleya was perfect. There was one hitch though, one that Sendoa was particularly curious about - and had only thought of now. ?I have one final question, and your answer will by no means change our agreement, I am merely curious. A woman named Artemis took and founded Elysium, providing Glaciem with something we longed for in the process. How is it that you came to be the new Queen?? It truly didn't matter, but Sendoa was awfully curious as to whether Artemis had been felled by this silver queen, or if she had vanished - or worse. Politics was something a queen could not afford to be ignorant about, and so she would cock her head with interest in whatever Cataleya's response was.
