
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-11-2014, 04:19 PM
ooc- gonna keep this thread set before art came back

The dark Queen would speak of the pack, seeming to have a similar encounter with them. A chuckle would roll off her tongue, it seemed as though Ebony would have a hard time finding allies if they were so picky about who they choose to ally themselves with. However, the amusement would fade, replaced by a question with the upmost curiosity from the Queen. It was not something she had an issue with sharing, though the name was foreign to her. "I am not familiar with anyone by that name, but when I found Elysium, it was abandoned, left open for someone else to swoop in a take and so I did." She provided everything she knew to the curious Queen. It seemed as though this Artemis had been important to Glaciem, and now that she no longer ruled Elysium, it left many questions for the pack. "Should I let you know if she ever returns?" Crown would tip to the left ever so slightly, if this girl was that important, than surely Glaciem would want to know about her return.