
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name



03-30-2013, 02:05 PM
Oh? So the woman was different. The woman that proved to be Tortuga's queen to it's "king" was willing to fight to keep the traitor a part of Tortuga. Now that was something that she hadn't expected to see. Perhaps Collision was right, and this pack would be so much more interesting with her as it's head. She met the female's eyes when she spoke to her - saying that she absolutely wanted the woman her brother was fighting for - but not for good reason. Not any longer - and it made sense. She was a bit of a traitor wasn't she? Still, she had faith in her brother to win this fight, and it wouldn't waver. He was so much larger than his opponent! Yet Chrysanthe would not look down on her for it, not in the least. She was impressed by her - she showed no fear, no hint that she was smaller at all while sprinting toward her brother. Although she knew she wouldn't win, she commended her spirit.

And then the old man slithered onto the scene. She hadn't scented him earlier, and would have assumed that he had nothing to do with this at all. Yet he zoned in on she and she alone, and began to speak. Apparently, fighting for one's members, to him, was silly. Azure eyes would gaze at him, her expression void of emotion for that moment as she let him continue. He sounded absolutely annoyed, yet was grinning like the cat that caught the canary. The male spoke as if his words were those of a god, and looked down on every single person here. She nearly sighed in response. "Neo should never have become a part of Tortuga. You and your pack are lucky that Collision didn't start a war with you for housing a Valhallan. He didn't tell of his leaving, and of course no one within your ranks fought for him - that would be too much work." She hissed, her tail taking a single sharp swipe before she smoothed back into the poise she had before.

"I have challenged Tortuga for my brother, who was taken into your pack without word to mine. Your beliefs are your beliefs, I won't speak on them." But she certainly didn't believe in them. "I see that you don't believe a member of your pack should be fought over. Fine. If you don't want to be hypocritical then don't get involved. I will not fight you without reason." She stated, plain and simple. "I will not fight you for a right that I already have." She would not be ignored, not by this old man, and not by the alpha that he was willing to fight in the place of.

"If Neo wants to challenge for his own freedom after I win, should I win, that is Valhalla's business." And if she lost, then she may not challenge for him again, but surely one of her family members would. Now that they knew where the boy was, Tortuga had better believe that in due time they would get him back. "Now, shall we get this started?" She would not sit around and waste time bickering any longer.

The girl's eyes narrowed, and her ears pulled back against her skull. The sheer amount of agitation that she had toward Tortuga and it's members for stealing her brother away, and for showing such coy cowardice on this battlefield showed in her stance. Her hackles raised along her neck and spine, and her lips were raised in a silent snarl. Open jaws protected her throat from being snapped at, and her shoulders were rolled to protect the sides of her neck. In the end it would be up to him how long this fight went on - because really, he did look like quite the bag of bones. He was an old man - she couldn't believe that his alpha would let him fight in his stead. Yet she would not complain, would not waste words on the lazy king any longer. Let the only lupine who was willing to step forward step up.

They were around the same height, she noticed immediately. Yet she was more built, more lean muscle and healthy in figure. The female ran at him, hoping to gain some momentum as the battle began. Her nails dug at the ground below her, and her tail was partially raised behind her, subtly aiding in her balance. Her head was lowered to protect her throat, but it served a different purpose as she ran at a slight angle toward the brute's right side. Her jaws would snap at the male's leg as she dove for the appendage and tried to get it within her grasp. Her right shoulder would be violently thrust toward the male's face and chest, in an effort to either smash into his lowered head and possibly stun him, or crash into his chest and leave him winded.

"Talk like this."

Defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pulled back, hackles raised, lip raised, jaws open, shoulders rolled, nails for traction, tail positioned for balance

Attacks: bite to Nnoitra's leg, shoulder thrust toward his face / chest depending on his positioning.

Injuries: None Yet.

[Image: bfa25nu.png]