
Stay Frosty

Aria I


03-30-2013, 02:07 PM

He did not look too good, even though the wound on his head was small it still kept bleeding. It was this that which caused her to sort of zone out, her mind flooding with many thoughts. Asking about this wolf, who was he, where did he come from, etc. But she brushed those aside, there would be a time where she could ask him these questions but that was not now. Right now she needed to think of a way to stop the bleeding. She went though her memories, trying to remember the little bit she knew of herbs. Not many knew about herbs but luckily for her she had picked up some basics that would help any wolf, mostly how to keep wounds from becoming infected, stop aches and pains, and little stuff like that. After a few moments of silence, the male had now laid down, she finally remembered the plants she would need to help the male stop the bleeding, prevent infection, and something to numb some of the pain, if he had any.

Yeah, I guess I do. His rusty voice caused her ears to swivel forward, pulling Aria out of her thoughts. So he did understand and speak english, that was good. If the male didn't then it would be difficult for her to explain things to him and try to understand what he was trying to tell her. Her jaws parted slightly, lips moving to form words but before she could say anything the male suddenly stood up and tried walking off. Aria's brows furrowed as she quickly pushed herself up and took a step forward but he suddenly fell to the ground and mumbled a Damn and looked to her then away. The shewolf smirked, the way this wolf was struggling was adorable. He was trying to act like nothing was wrong, trying to leave without tending to his wound but was failing.

Since he didn't seem like a dangerous wolf she moved forward, claws clicking against the hard, cold ground until finally stopping once she was beside him. Slowly and carefully she lowered her head so that it was beside his ear before going between his ears and running her tongue over the wound. You shouldn't try moving, your going to stress yourself. She spoke softly, nudging him in the side and motioning towards the back of the cave. Go lay down, I'll go look for something to treat that cut. She said in a stern voice, eyes narrowing slightly on him. He was injured and needed to just lay down, not move around while he was dizzy. If he resisted then she would simply use force, he was just a little bigger than her but even if he was he couldn't stand on his paws for too long so she would be able to handle him. And if you resist, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle myself with such a handsome beast. She smirked, something in her eyes telling him she might do something that would surprise him or that he didn't like.

With that she lifted her head high, green eyes staring down at him and stump of a tail wiggling behind her. She took a step to the side, watching, making sure he would go back to where he had been laying with her. It would be wise to listen, there aren't many wolves you will cross while vulnerable that will actually help you like I am. She turned her back on him, walking up to the cave entrance, moving carefully on the ice before stopping at the rim and looking back at him.


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