
Mystery of the Cross


04-11-2014, 11:05 PM

He didn't expect the boy to believe him right off the bat. Angel and Twig hadn't either, but after speaking to him they had finally accepted that he was part of the family and they had welcomed him with open arms. Would this brother do the same or would he remain hesitant about the Wraith? He would watch the ebony and ivory traced boy, noticing how his hackles were stiffening, as if he felt threatened by the titan. A frown would crease his sooty and ivory face, audits half lying against his skull, plume tucked evenly between his hocks, trying to seem even less threatening, if that was even possible. He didn't want his younger brother to think that he was here to hurt him or any of their other siblings because that was the opposite of what Pulsus was here to do.'re my brother? So, does that mean you're related Lunatik? Now it was the gargantuan's turn to look utterly confused. The crease of his brows would furrow even deeper, confusion clouding his features. Who is Lunatik? Is this a sibling of ours? Lunatik. He had never heard that name before. Could it be an older brother that Pulsus was not aware of? He wouldn't totally dismiss it. He was sure that there were still plenty of Black members he had yet to come across and this Lunatik could surely be one of them. The bi-colored man would watch his younger brother with rapt attention, waiting to see if he would explain who this Lunatik was.

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