
I Call the Bear Fighter!


04-12-2014, 04:44 PM
She thinks highly of her family. She lived for nearly a year without any sort of family by her side. It had been the hardest year of her life, now that she had found the land full of siblings and her father, she treasured each of them. Since she had left to take over Tortuga, she often wonders about the younger siblings she had left behind. She wonders how they are doing, how they are growing. She hears a call, and is thrilled because she recognizes it. Luckily she is in the forest already, and she had often hoped that since the forest bordered the pines of Glaciem, that she would run into a sibling. Drashiel is the caller of today. A fond smile pulls her lips as she turns towards the sound. She first met her younger brother when she had saved him from a polar bear, she hadn't gotten to spend a lot of time with him after before leaving to take Tortuga- and she wondered how he had grown.

She is not disappointed when she nears him, she can see that he has grown a lot from the small pup she once knew. She feels her tail wave behind her, she is happy to see him. She draws to a halt, just on her side of the border before crossing it easily to stand beside her brother. "Drashiel! It's great to see you." She greets him warmly, stretching her nose in an attempt to nuzzle his shoulder affectionately. Seeing Drashiel makes her wonder about her father, what had become of the albino king? She hadn't seen him since she had taken her leave of Glaciem.