
even if the morrow is barren of promise


03-30-2013, 04:19 PM

Violet eyes focused on the male as he stirred. Lost forgotten dreams lingered against his heavy lids as he looked to her. She tilted her head at his reaction to her question. Had she taken him aback? Indeed her words were audacious if only because she lacked the tactful filter that many normal wolves used. His voice pierced her mind and she closed her eyes for a moment, focusing, as she pushed that voice deep into her collective to recall should they meet another time. Her ears pulled forward as he confirmed her question, that he was indeed a wolf, and she allowed a smile to decorate her angdronious features.

Her eyes never left him as he eased off the rock to come down to face her. She found him only an inch smaller then she. None had come eye level with her in this realm. She seemed to be a mystical thing, a dyeing thing, amongst the flourishing rest. Though her children she was certain would take after her pervious life. Was it so long ago? When everything made sense and she didn?t feel as if she lost herself to her subconscious, the puppet master, when things troubled her mind.

He asked the question of her heritage and she couldn?t help the manic laugh that escaped her jaws. It was a deep thing, a genuine laugh as she replied, ?I sometimes wonder if my parents knew the depths of what id become. Did wolves or monsters birth me? Sometimes I cant even remember..? her mind blanked for a moment. The rest of the words still lingered on the tip of her tongue but her face had grown still. Confusion filled her gaze as she blinked at him. A frown replaced the mirth that had only seconds ago shinned in her bright violet eyes. Only horror and confusion filled them now as she looked at him. Her ears fell back with distress as she looked at him, really looked at him. Panic swelled in her breast as she eyed the stranger. Who the fuck was he? How had she gotten here?

She closed her eyes. Maybe if she wished it. if she dreamed it. She would wake up against the wall. She would be with her master again. When life was simple. When she was the pawn and he was the king. She cracked her lids and still the brown wolf stood before her. Who was he! Did she know him? She backed up a little and felt the movement of something within her. Stinging panic pricked her head with an intensity she couldn?t even fully understand as the maternal instinct kicked back in and fueled her mind with the present. She let out an exasperated breath and looked back towards the male with a relaxed expression. She had caught whispers of words.

And you. Wolf. Lonely lands. Lovatt. what had he asked her? What about lonely lands? Lovatt had to be his name. She blinked back at him struggling with her mind to remember. Why am I here? LenTajin. Oh, collecting souls. Remaking a kingdom. She swallowed the panic that still threatened to consume her. She feared that if she allowed it to possess her she would lose her unborn children. Her ears perked forward as she remembered the honey wolf was still watching her. If her face could flame and be seen it would have burst into flames of embarrassment. She had almost forgotten him. Lost the moment in time with her mocking him laying in the warm sun like a basking feline.

?Cerberus?s bones, my mind did faltered for a moment.? She said softly, he knew nothing of her. What her mind was capable of. She was trying to make a name for herself but these fits were aggravating. ?I am Newt Saxe.? She said thoughtfully. Look at how far she had come. Why was she putting herself down? Yes, Zara had put her in the path she now walked but she had learned to acquire independence. ?I am the new queen of Lentajin.? She said proudly, she had killed Sade and with her death came her crown. Honestly she had hoped the battle would be a simple spar with no harm done but the little queen had grown desperate to keep her kingdom and broke the rules they had set, thus forfeiting her life in the new queens eyes.

?Why do I wonder the lonely roads?? she repeated his previous question. Proud that she could recall the words. Perhaps they weren?t quite what he had asked or the meaning she had put behind them but she remembered them nonetheless and that was an achievement in itself. ?I search for the broken, the used, the forgotten, the lost souls, and those that desire strength and power. I search for others to build my kingdom from the ashes. Make it something more then what it was. A life of slavery for those that hold the roles of males simply disturbs me. ? Her voice was level as she explained. Keeping a neutral tone all the while until the last bit. Then the disdain had fallen into her voice backing up her dislike for the former kingdoms roles.