
Hunting Adventure


04-13-2014, 03:04 PM

The woman would turn at the sound of her voice, any sign of aggression fading as the trespasser realized she was surrounded. Lips twisted into a cruel grin, eyes remaining narrowed upon the woman. "It is to late for apologies dear." Immediately the Queen closed the distance between them, coming to stand only a foot or two from the woman. "You see, others have thought that they could trespass onto my lands as well, and now I must make an example of you."

Defenses slide into place, ears pinning against her skull, eyes remaining narrowed, hackled lifted, crown lowering to level with her spine, shoulder rolled forward, limbs squared and bent, toes spread, claws digging into the earth. Chin tucked to protect her throat, abdominal muscles tightening. "It is your choice dear, either I claim you for my pack and you reside here for eternity, or you kindly accept my offer of joining."

Venom dripped from jaws as the woman prepared to attack if she chose to deny the Queen what she wanted. Muscles flexed, waiting. Eyes shifted to Kylar briefly, silently telling him that if this woman chose wrong, she would be taken down. The one would not escape her grasp, this one would learn the hard way.