
To Everything There's A Season



4 Years
04-13-2014, 06:19 PM

The seasons were changing and Valhalla was currently balanced between Summer and Autumn. The days were cooler and the nights chilly, but the flora hadn't quite caught onto the change. All around the brute was greenery. The leaves had yet to change and the grass was still lively and thriving. The days yo-yo'd between scorching and tepid. Much like this particular brute, the weather didn't know what it wanted to be.

Dragging the body of a small deer behind him, Thor had his eyes fixed on the lake. The young animal had been injured, otherwise he wouldn't have attempted to take it on his own, but with a broken leg, the young doe would have quickly fallen prey to another predator. He'd seen an opportunity and seized it. Now he was going to share it.

Panting heavily, the brute finally reached the lake and abandoned his burden for a quick dip in the water. He floated just long enough for his heart to calm and his muscles to relax. The chilly water soothed him. If it weren't so cold it was possible that he'd have fallen asleep. Thor climbed from the water a more sedate being.

Soaked to the bone, Thor flopped down beneath a nearby tree that overlooked his kill. He wasn't particularly hungry so for now the carcass remained unopened, although how long that lasted was anyone's guess. Surely someone around here was hungry. If he wasn't mistaken, somewhere around here was a pup or two* and there had to be more Valhallans in the area. The terra was practically bursting with them.

Tipping back his head, the brute howled to let everyone in earshot know that he'd made a kill and was determined to share it.

OOC: *He smells Laufey and his siblings, if they're with their brother.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]