
What a Lovely Night



04-13-2014, 06:51 PM
She had managed not to grin - at least wanting to start her interactions with this male as somewhat polite. But he was quite good at making her want to smile, to laugh - and his flirting may not have been taken completely to heart, but she appreciated his ability to think on his feet. Her smile would not waver, but she would not be able to keep her eyes from curiously trailing over the brute's frame when she wasn't holding his iridescent gaze, her tail from wagging a little faster behind her as she let herself enjoy this stranger's company. "We can blame the fog and call it a day, then." Honestly she couldn't see too far ahead herself, and didn't think any less of the man for being surprised.

"The willows are one of my favorite places to be - it's loveliest when the wind blows through here." She hadn't seen it fog up like this before - an omen, perhaps? It didn't seem to be too thick at first - it swept by faster than it did over the moors back in Valhalla. and flowed around the woman until her vision was nearly useless... oddly enough, it didn't seem as thick now that she was here with this nameless brute that had just enough charm to him to hold her attention. "You're the first I've run into while coming here." She would admit, and honestly she was glad that she had run into him here. It was best that she not get selfish about sharing the little rogue territory. "I suppose that makes me rather lucky." She would tease lightly - lucky to meet him - she wondered whether she would feel the same way at the end of their meeting.

"You're not a native to Alacritia - where did you come from?" She would wonder aloud. If he didn't want to tell her she would understand - she was just moving the speech along and honestly - she was curious about this man. Regardless of her apparent curiosity though, she then realized that she had gone and asked him about his past without even introducing herself first. She would make a small noise, a little mixture of surprise and sheepishness - before she bowed her head toward the other. "Sorry - I didn't give you my name. I'm Chrysanthe Adravendi, It's a pleasure." And she would look back up to the other and wait for him to give his name as well.

ooc: sorry if this isn't good my muse is being a poop lately