
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]

Aria I


04-13-2014, 07:51 PM

Aria gave a small shake of her head upon Song asking if the quake had hurt Haku, "Just a simple cold, we were lucky enough to go unharmed from the quake.?" She answered the woman before pulling away to take a seat.

More members would appear and settle before Song and once it seemed like everyone was there, Song would begin. First thing to be announced, a new Guardian, Aria had been noticing his absence, but what surprised her most was that she was chosen to fill in the position. For a few moments she would be unable to answer the light woman, she wanted to be there for Song but at the same time her presence here in Ludicael was originally only suppose to be temporary, she had to move on with her mate. Even if this place, at one point, had been her home. She would wait to give her answer, allowing the racle to address everyone else for their promotions.

Dhiren was promoted to First Apprentice. Canta, Huntress. Novel, Shaman. Howl, Apostle. Tankyu, Monk. Aurora and Magnus would be relieved of their duties to spend time with their children. Australis, Saga, Dutiron, Sound, Requiem would become students and would be allowed to attend lessons. A female by the name of Viridiana, her children would be promoted to Students also if she approved.

Some would speak up and thank Song for their new ranks, and after they spoke the female would rise and step towards the woman. "It would be an honor to become Ludicael's Guardian, however, I must decline this." Tones were gentle when she spoke. "Me and Haku's stay here was only temporary, and we were thinking now was the time for us to take our leave." She would have liked to do this in private with the woman, but it seemed like now would be a good time to explain things to her before she left with her lover.


Awesome table by Shelby <3