
Taste these embers and ash


04-13-2014, 10:30 PM

He rose as well and smile turned seductive as she took a step or so froward, moving so she was shoulder to shoulder with him so she looked over her shoulder to look at him through hooded eyes. He was quite the specimen, easy on the eyes and quite the charmer as well. His intentions with this male he wanted to kill said that he had a darker underlying design but he could put on a good front. She wanted him. He would be perfect.

He allowed a compliment to slip off his tongue, and she enjoyed the attention she got from it as well as the warm feeling that flitted through her chest. Head would tip in thanks but that wasn't the answer she was looking for. She knew better then to get between a man and his revenge but afterwards, if he didn't have plans and her plans came to fruition she needed wolves like him. After a short pause he would speak again, saying that his plans were completely out in the open after he got his revenge. She would curl her neck, moving skull to attempt to lay it across his shoulders. "Well my dear. Once you get your revenge you should give me a call. I'm looking to take over the world and it would be quite boring to do alone?" Words were a seductive purr, allowing the vibration of her extended throat trail across his shoulders.
