
OOC Arcanum Rules!!


04-13-2014, 11:01 PM
This will take affect Monday September 15th at 12:00 am Ala time

Stealing bri's idea here!!

Because packs are smaller and now have a lower member cap, activity will be a must! Failure to attend 3 meetings will result in removal from the pack.

+There will be mandatory pack meetings once times every OOC month or so. Attendance is mandatory for the first and second rounds of each meeting.

+Lead warriors/hunters/healers will be required to hold hunting/training threads ONCE every 6 weeks OOC. Both commanders are required to participate as well as every warrior/hunter/healer for every round until the thread is completed.

+Every IC season, there will be 1 mandatory meeting for Tier 3 and above members. These wolves are required to attend both the first and second round of each meeting.

Consequences for Inactivity:
First warning - a verbal warning
Second warning - demotion until you reach slave
Final warning - being kicked out of the pack/angry cat=possible maim

Types of Training Meetings:
+Warriors - spars are mandatory for each warrior within the training thread. Each warrior should spar at least one wolf during this meeting, 2 spars per wolf would be preferred.
+Healers- herbs should be gathered/named and their purpose should be discussed. Various wounds/health issues should be covered.
+Hunters- Every hunter should partake in the pack hunt and play some role in bringing down the animal.

+If you post in the Absence/Scarcity board, please let me know as I don't keep track.
+If you are absence, you will be excused from the posting requirements, but please remember to tell me!
+If you are scarce, you will be expected to make at least attend meetings, please pm me and we can work things out.

I will be keeping track of everyones posting, especially within meetings/acceptance threads!!