
Best I Can


04-14-2014, 12:02 AM
She was worried. She wanted to check on each of the pack, and then she would worry less. Laying on the ground she felt weak- unprotected, but all of these feelings were insignificant to the severe feeling of worry. Qanik was the first to heed to her call, and she felt a slight sigh of relief leave her. The white woman stated the obvious about her injuries, and at her offer to help the queen pushed herself to her feet. She was unsteady, lurching about as she tried to grab her balance and ignore the pain, stubbornly she would shake her head. The next to arrive was Gossamir, who heard the tail end of Qanik's offer, and offered to run for healers. She also questioned if they had allies, but before Roman could answer- another showed up. More relief followed as she noted Dayton, who also offered to fetch help.

"I'm fine." She spoke strongly. She didn't feel fine, but she'd heal on her own. She needed to calm their worries, soothe their fears. "Are you all okay? Have you seen Ritsuka, Melody, and Misha?" She didn't think that she was forgetting anyone. She looked over each of them, but couldn't easily see injuries, but she could smell some blood. "The only ally we have is Glaciem, though I've been scouting about to see what the other packs may say if I try to ally with them." She explained, answering Gossamir's question. "Unless someone else is injured, there is no need to run for another healer." She made a mental note to recruit another, to help Gossamir train.

Glancing about them, she spoke. "While I have you here, Qanik- you're now a Legionary of Tortuga- a beta. Gossamir, you're a cohort, its not a huge promotion but- you've long since earned your place in the pack, you should have been promoted from a new member long ago." She glanced at each of the ladies. "Dayton, you're new, and I thank you for coming when I called. You can expect a promotion soon, once I get a scope of your abilities." She would address each member present, she wouldn't let the crisis that brought each of them together go to waste. "I think we may need to search for the others." She suggested lightly, though she hoped that they'd show up on their own. She felt the throbbing her hip, it'd take a week or two to heal, but she'd be okay. It was the sprained leg that was more annoying. Sprains were agony, she'd almost rather it be broken.

ooc: Okay, if you haven't looked at the pack page recently, please do so. I'm working on seeing if I can change Tortuga's name to something less turtley. And oh look, I turned this into pack meeting with promotions and stuff.