
our tiny souls


04-14-2014, 12:30 AM

He would hit his mark, the male pleased when his head slammed into the intended target. A satisfying sounding of jaws slamming shut before she went flying away from him. It would also seem that his teeth would hit their mark on her (right?) shoulder whilst his shoulder would make its attempted mark and keep her down. Sapphire pools would remain narrowed, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, head over his throat as much as was possible during his initial attack while ears remained flattened. It would seem she'd eventually find her feet, and She would attempt to latch onto his neck, her jaws aiming straight for his throat, however, he would not allow that! With a loud growl, he would turn his body slightly to the right, his left shoulder jutting forward once more, thus causing her bite to land on his upper left shoulder as opposed to his throat. Leaving a mild bite would about 2 centimeters deep as it was mostly bone. A snarl of annoyance would rise through his chest, spit flying from his maw as he hissed with growing impatience. Did she still think she could best him? He was an assassin! He was just as quick on his feet as he was strong, he was no amateur. He was a trained killer, and she would soon come to find that...

Her paws seemed to attempt at finding purchase on him, and he would allow it but for one purpose. With her front paws upon him(At least I assume so, going by what I read in your last post) he would twist his head like a snake as rapidly as possible, jaws aiming to latch onto her left foreleg. If successful, he would bite down and not let go. His aim here was to twist her foreleg, possibly spraining or even fracturing it with the strength of his bite. He was growing impatient here, and it only caused him to grow more violent. Hackles remained up, scruff bunched, and he would then choose to rise up on his own hind legs, abdomen tensing, and attempted to bring his own forelegs on/around her shoulders to keep her in place and limit her movement. He would show her not to underestimate him.

Fight Stats

Round: 3/3

Defenses: 1st & 2nd paragraph.

Attacks: Attempting to bite and hold onto her left foreleg. Attempt to wrap forelegs around/on her shoulders.

Injuries: mild bruising to back of head, bite wound on left shoulder 2 centimeters deep.

Out Of Character Notes: