
BRAVADO [Hunt/Training]



3 Years
04-14-2014, 03:21 AM

Although she hadn't hesitated on this occasion, it seemed that she had still arrived only just in time. Shortly after her arrival Liberty introduced herself, an act that was beneficial to Talvi. She was a little uneducated on the names of many of the older members within the pack and assumed that likewise she probably wasn't as familiar with them as some of the other children of the pack. She listed a few names, though once more they meant little to the silver and blue girl, she had only officially met Kyung before.

She cared little about who the absent members were though, instead focussing upon Liberty's words. Once she may have dreamed she would be at this point with her mother and litter mates, their very first lesson back on the island was so long ago now though that she almost wondered sometimes if she had simply imagined it. All the same though the words did fuel the girl with excitement. Though this wasn't the sort of training she had opted to focus on, there was no denying the use of it and the sign that this surely meant they were all growing up more, able to start putting themselves to use.

As Liberty would begin to move and encourage them to follow, Talvi didn't even wait for her brother as she rose and began to obey, walking silently along behind her and certainly intrigued as to what they might learn today. She had hunted before of course, to various outcomes from good to awful though it had only ever really been on her own. This new experience would hopefully be as interesting and exciting as Liberty had tried to make it sound.