
To Make You Feel My Love



04-14-2014, 06:35 AM

The boy walked alongside his love as he brought her to the place they first met. It had been a long walk, taking most of the night, and he was sure she would be tired. So they would relax today, sleeping in the sand as the sun kept them warm. That black sand, the same grains which had slipped between his toes as he beheld the beautiful maiden for the first time. He had found her at sunset, and the dying orange rays had turned her fur into spectacular, burning shades of autumn. Her sweet blue eyes had battled the lapping waves. It had been a picture perfect evening. But today, he would create for them a picture perfect morning.

The stars began to dim as the entire sky turned a shade of bluish gray. The first light of the sun began to peek out at them, illuminating the beach in the background. It seemed to sparkle in the waning glow of the moon. But Misha herself shone even more, putting the beauty of nature around them to shame. She was gorgeous, simply gorgeous. And soon she would be his, if he asked it of her. And why couldn't he? He had the courage to declare his love once already. This was only in a different setting, yeah?

"Keep your eyes closed, love." he murmured, pressing into her side. He gave the small, pretty female a tender kiss, reminding her that he was still here. That he still loved her, and he always would. Then, he brought them to a stop, sending a gaze across this familiar beach. He turned back again and sent a small lick to Misha's nose. He rubbed his muzzle into her neck as he whispered, "Okay, my lady. You may open your eyes now." Dayton gave a short pause to give her time to take it in, still pressing his face into her soft neck. "Well? What do you think?"
