
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]



5 Years
04-14-2014, 10:46 AM

The other members of the pack would begin to arrive bringing with them of course the various members of the Destruction family that Novella was glad to see. Though of course it brought her joy to see each of them were well, to see that Howl and Legend had returned was wonderful, though where on earth they'd been all this time without telling them was beyond her. She'd seen more of Symphony lately and she wasn't even a member of the pack!

Of course though Novella couldn't stay mad at them for long and if it wasn't for the fact that this was meant to be a meeting, she would have moved back through the crowd to join her brothers and welcome them home, instead however she remained seated where she was, simply waiting for the others of the pack to get here and the meeting to start.

Poor Anthem had been off sorts since his castration, she hadn't seen much of him at all and still didn't appear to be quite his usual self when he arrived. Novella hoped her brother would join her here, though he too was pleased to see the return of their brothers and would seat himself next to Howl instead, something that she couldn't and wouldn't fault him for. Next to Symphony, Howl probably was the sibling that Anthem was closest to, he had after all been there for Anthem since their birth.

Finally though the meeting would start, along with checking on the pack it seemed that Song had some promotions and a couple of demotions to make. Proudly she would look to her brother, nieces and nephew who were being assigned their new ranks. A part of her certainly wishing that Symphony could see just how far Novel had come now in her studies, on the other hand of course indecisive Novella of course still had little idea what to do with herself, just trained where she could like the sleepy cousin at her side.

To her surprise though not all of the ranks would be accepted, Aria would decline and announce she would be leaving the pack. Though Novella didn't know the woman well at all it still came as a bit of a shock to her and brought on a bit of sadness. Song obviously trusted her to grant her such a rank, or attempt to anyway, her sister would surely miss her and it seemed that Novella wouldn't get the opportunity to get to know the other better as she probably should have done sooner. Silently though she would sit and await any further words from Song.

[Image: novellabot_zps431b5c94.jpg]
image by lunarcat7