
Stay Frosty

Aria I


03-30-2013, 06:19 PM

She waited for his reaction to her words, waited those few moments before he shook his head and finally spoke. So something bad did happen to him as he was younger, his father did things to him, and his mother. Mothers were suppose to be childrens' protectors, showing them what love was and to teach them how to live a happy life. But Darsha's, she didn't do those things, was far wore than his father. It was clear now that he was angry, a growl rumbling in his throat before he finally shook his head and got up, heading for the cave entrance. I give up, I have nothing left to live for.

Hey! Stop! She barked, quickly pushing herself up onto all over and running over to the male, putting herself between him and the cave entrance. Her brows furrowed, eyes narrowed and lips slightly pulled back and over her fangs. What do you mean you have nothing left to live for? She asked with a low growl rumbling in the back of her throat, holding her head high. Your still young, your parents are no longer here to cause you anymore pain. You still have many years ahead of you, so many years to change how you are. To do good, and experience a ton of shit in your life. Why give up when your life has barely begun? She barked at him, taking a step towards the male.

Something started to boil under the surface but she could not identify it. Was it anger? Anger towards this guys parents who treated him like crap, didn't treat him the way he should have been. Anger towards the fact that he was so willing to give up without a fight, be a coward? Or was it fear that he would try doing something dangerous to himself. By giving up your just being a coward! Making your asshole of parents laugh because your giving in like they want. Resist that urge! Continue on, experience the things they neglected in giving or showing you. She shut her trap and took a step back, fierce forest green eyes staring right into his. Keep talking like an idiot and I will beat some sense into you.


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