
our tiny souls


04-14-2014, 06:05 PM

The woman was shaken off. Thrown on the ground. Wasted... No. Not for this time. She would try her hardest to defeat this man. Obviously her chances were low in winning against this trained brute. She would have to think outside of not the movements of hers, but of the movements of the brute. Cyan eyes were trained on the brute as he lurched forward in a near rocking movement as the dame simply stepped backward, avoiding the brute's assault as if it were an inexperienced blow from a pup. Across her face, the brute's large paw slammed against her maw, causing her face to contort with a flurry of rage. Hackles rose, ears pinned, tail flicked, abdomen tensed, bodice bunched, teeth bared. The dame would not give in. Especially not in the watchful eyes of the leader of the pack she had just only recently stepped upon its territories.

The lady swiftly lurched forth in a tease move, instead swerving to the right toward Cataleya's image, then surging forth with all of her weight. She would not be simply chased out of this territory for being weak. She would fight. She would go, with a bang. The woman's bodice careened toward the appaloosa-pelted brute as her bared fangs snapped shut on what hoped to be the brute's throat. If that attack should miss, the dame would then snap again at the brute's windpipe, hopefully crippling him, to give him notice that the dame would not lose, as would the brute give her notice.


Round: 3/3, Finish Fight.

Attacks: 2nd Paragraph.

Defenses: None. She is basically throwing herself at Uisge, and cannot move very much.

Injuries: moderate bite to left shoulder, mild bite to right shoulder.
OOC: This fight should be ready to judge. I'll let Dragon post in the Judging thread.