
NEW PACK! (maybe <3)


04-14-2014, 08:49 PM
Also take a sneak peak at some ranks and ideas!

Samrata - monarch (1)
Rani - queen (1)
Varisa - heir (1)

Oflugur ? second in command (2)
Raoio ? council (6)
Konunglegur- royal children (unlimited)

Ischyros - lead warrior (2)
Poniria - lead hunter (2)
Sofos - lead healer (2)

Voin - warriors
Okhotnik - hunters
Tselitel - healers

Shudra - unclassified/ unsorted

Gulama - slaves

The black-market pack with a twist.

THE PACK - Outwardly this pack will be neutral to all, regular visits made to neighbours though Vi is close with a few pack leaders and will have something akin to an alliance with them. Lower ranked wolves can come and go as they please but once you have climbed the ranks and let into the inner circle its loyalty or die. The leaders are like night and day. Desiree manages the day to day activities of the pack, meeting with everyone and making sure everyone is fed and happy. Viridiana manages the training exercises and higher ranks, only occasionally integrating herself into the normal pack. Any and all are welcome to join, all that is asked is you pull your weight. Competition is encouraged. If you wish to challenge for a higher rank then state your challenge to the alpha and the alpha will oversee the challenge and if needed state what they need to do for the challenge (for things like healer or hunter there will be competitions rather then spars)

THE TWIST - Only the higher ranked wolves will ever know this, speaking of it to outsiders is punishable by death. Higher ranks will be offered to darker aligned wolves with a good head on their shoulders, able to do bad things to good people but still can put on a good enough front to make everyone believe they are nice enough. We're starting a black market/ slave trade/ betting ring.

THE BEGINNING - Tournaments will be held between packs regularly to start a taste for the betting. At first alpha's can bet. Simple things like allowing the winning pack to hunt in their territories or a piece of their next kill or open boarders for a short amount of time. Basically whatever you want. Soon it will go to smaller gatherings, wolves betting rabbits or herbs or little things they themselves own on fights or hunting competitions or medical challenges (lets drug a deer, slice it's leg open then treat the wound!).

THE MIDDLE - Underground we go. Those that now have the addiction are welcomed to the underground world, slave trade will begin as well as gladiator battles. Whether it is one packs gladiator vs. anothers or a pack of slaves vs. a pair of gladiators it really doesn't matter. Bets will be placed on these battles, slaves will be traded. It will be exciting. Taking bets on everything from land and food to firstborn children. We will collect. Drugs will also be brought in, poppy seeds, mushrooms and whatever else we can find.

THE END - Completely up and running this pack will take a darker turn. Not really sure how but we'll see :)

NOTE: Desiree will most likely be primary alpha, the beta's will be there to help her with every day pack life. DES WILL KNOW ABOUT UNDERGROUND STUFF, BETAS WILL NOT. Vi will step down to secondary alpha (the pack is a present to Desiree after all) and she will work solely with the council to get the underground suff going. ALL WOLVES NOT ON THE COUNCIL WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT THE UNDERGROUND STUFF. The majority of the pack will know nothing about this. There may be a few warriors who once trusted enough will be recruited to fight as gladiators. Most gladiators will be rouges though I think, they can compete to win land or food.