
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
04-14-2014, 10:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

"Sometimes," Tahlia admitted regarding the tendency of caring for pups to lose a bit of its charm after a while. It was hard sometimes not to look longingly after Bane when he would leave the den on his own outings to fetch her meals, wishing that she could have the same freedom. But every time she consoled herself with how big the children were getting, how much stronger they were since the last day, and before she knew it they would be out of the den and on their own, just as wild and independent as their elder siblings were. Then it would just be her and Bane within the den, something that she was beginning to realize they had really gotten little of during their lives together. Her smile softened and sweetened as he kissed her lips, murmuring happily, "And I love you," when he made his profession. Yes, she did really want to spend more time with him, another perk that would be offered to her when the children were older. After all, he was advanced in age, her senior by a few years, and though she often forgot about it because the symptoms were not always obvious it was still a present fact. One that held a reminder in their children.

Her husband had his answer to her request and it was not all that surprising. She rarely bragged as it was an unbecoming habit, but she did consider herself quite the fisher and had offered her skills on a few occassions to be passed on to others when they had been within Seracia. It was something of a long standing joke between them, her fishing and Bane's distracting part in it, so her reserved grin was knowing and understanding as she nodded her head slowly. "Salmon," Tahlia repeated, beginning to turn and head in the direction of the river, "this should be fun." Her steps became almost prancing as she paced a little further where Bane had been wading, easing her way into its coolness before she ventured to a spot where the waters were picking up speed but still relatively clear. She was more used to the waiting game posed within a still lake; having the fish come to her was going to be much more interesting.

As she took up her position in the river, paws planted and tail still just above its surface, her dark gold eyes narrowed assessingly as she awaited the salmon, and her wait was hardly anything at all. They should have been spooked by her appearance there in the river, or if it had been a still lake, but here her movements in the river were lost among the energetic flow of the water against her. She was poised, patient, and with a quick leap forward she was successful. Her jaws were closed firmly around her still squirming catch, lifting it clear of the water as she turned and hurriedly made for the riverside. Water streamed off of her sides, her tail, plastering her black and russet coat against her, and briefly she paused to shake herself free of as much as she could. She made a sound of victory around the fish she carried but it was not until she was before her resting mate that she realized what he had been up to while she was busy. It sat there gently between his teeth, a beautiful, fragrant iris, and he lay there innocently as if he had done nothing but wait patiently for her successful return. Eyes upon him, Tahlia set the fish down on the ground between them, made speechless by the simple yet endearing gesture. "For me?" It seemed silly of her to assume otherwise but she could hardly fathom what else to say. No one had tried giving her a flower before.