
I Just Wanna Spend Some Time With You


04-15-2014, 12:10 AM

His paws would lead him on, keeping just ahead of Mercianne as he walked, ears perked forward as he both paid attention to the landscape before them and his mother. These moments were precious, and he waited for her answer with shining eyes. He wanted to show her all that he learned, to be a son that she could be proud of, though he didn?t know that she was already proud of him. If anything Emery just wanted to make sure he was always in his mother?s life, and she in his. They were family... And would always be family.

His thoughts would turn to Knight again for a moment. For a long time now the male had seemed like a father figure in his life with the absence of his own. He accepted the male and, perhaps, part of him was even wishing that his mother and Knight would form a solid relationship together. They were already close... It was clear enough to see. The thought of having more siblings or something however was a strange one... But not exact unwelcome. Just being around more wolves would be a good thing, though not here. It was a dangerous enough place for just the few that lived there.

He would twitch his ears happily as his mother spoke, eyes shining. ?Well, first things first we?ll need to come across the herd and analyze their positions. Our target would need to be more on the edge from the start, and one of will need to run towards the inside to cut it off from joining the rest of the herd when they run to prevent it from escaping. As long as we can edge it off a bit further from the others and run it down some, maybe give it an injury to slow it down if possible, we?ll be able to bring it down.? The strategy was the same one Galahad had taught him when the two had gone hunting together.

After a while Emery began to slow down to a walk, coming to a small rise in the land. He would motion to his mother to follow, going to the top and coming to a stop. Not far in the distance was the herd of caribou, standing about and chewing on what food they could find. He would swish his tail back and forth as he looked out over them, looking for the target prey. After a moment he would give a quiet ?Aha!? and with satisfaction on his face look to Mercianne.

?We?re in luck. There are two young ones and their mother off on the right side towards the back there.? He would motion with his head. ?The wind is in our favor at the moment too. So all that is left is to set the final plan in motion. I?m going to take the inside to cut the calf off.. I?m going to need you to run along the other side and try to injury it, though don?t get too close to it?s back end... Stay off to the side as much as you can. They have a tendency to lash out with their back legs.? The last bit was of course a warning for her sake. He would feel terrible if she got injured while hunting with him. He would wait for a confirmation then, watching her happily.
