
Legendary and Epic


04-15-2014, 01:06 AM
They had put it off for too long now... And finally Ritsuka had managed to bring himself to a level he thought he would be calm enough at. Where he would be able to handle any news that Blizzard might throw at him. So he would have left that morning, visiting his sister?s den and telling her to meet him at noon at the lake. Time had marched on far too slowly during that morning, though his duties for the pack still needed to be carried out. He wouldn?t slack no matter what... He had to better himself. For Tortuga, for Blizzard, and for himself.

The male had reached adulthood... Two years of his life having gone by. It seemed just a short time ago that he was just a whelp at his mother?s side, stuck in the den with siblings he didn?t care for all that much, well, other than Blizzard. Even if she didn?t look similar to him that didn?t matter... They were brother and sister and nothing would ever change that fact. He would always be there for her if she needed his help... She only needed to say the word.

He would come to a stop before the cool waters of the lake, green orbs looking down at his own reflection. He had changed since he was a pup... Becoming stronger... Trying to become what his sister had dubbed him. A legend. Their middle names, names given to each other full of hope, dreams, and love, were a symbol of their bond. Even if he didn?t necessarily become a legend he was going to become a wolf that others would remember for years to come.

?It was my promise to you.? He whispered softly, referring to Blizzard. He knew he had a long way to go... And part of him was wondering if he shouldn?t set some time at some point to wander to the battlefield and practice his skills more... Of course he still had his offer from Gossamir... And they didn?t necessarily have to have their spar in that foreign territory. He might even be able to ask Qanik too if she might be interested in a spar... He was sure the older female had things she would be able to teach him.

Suka would sit down, feeling a sure feeling settle upon him. He knew the path he was taking... And he would not stray from it. There was so much for him to learn and work towards. He was going to make it. He was going to become what his sister saw him as, even if it took his whole life to achieve. He wouldn?t let her down. A short howl would leave his lips, calling to see if Blizzard was near. It was still a little early but... If Blizzard was nearby they could speak now. He wanted to see her... Wanted to spend time with the first wolf he had ever truly cared about.
