
our tiny souls

The Judge


04-15-2014, 09:04 AM

Uisge Vs victoria for Tresspassing

Round 1

8 for clarity- How much flesh was he aiming to take of her back?

6 for powerplaying. 'With her back turned to him, this would be an easy approach.' You cant just assume her backs still turned, she could have easily changed that, make sure you put in something like 'hopefully she'd still have her back turned to him.'

10 for defenses. + 1 for each

5 for attack. +3 for bite, +2 for shaking head to worsen.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Uisge Total: 39/50


0 for clarity- -2 for 'narrowly missing the brutes jaws?' how slight? It lacks detail, how much was taken of her shoulder -1. -2 which direction did she try to take when jumping to a rock -3 How much time did she spend searching for somewhere, Fights happen very quickly. -2 which shoulder did he bite?

8 for powerplaying. -2 for 'plant her teeth at the brute's neck and shoulders' you need to put a ' attempts to plant her teeth etc'

2 for defenses. + 1 for pinned ears, +1 for teeth bared,

3 for attack. Notes

7 for injuries.-3 for bite to shoulder

Round one Victoria Total: 20/50

Round 2


4 for clarity- -2, its rather unrealistic to feel a wolfs breath when they try to jump at you, it all happens to fast to really realise. -2 'brake teeth and more' What is the more? -2, how big was the bite that he was trying to make on her shoulder/chest?

8 for powerplaying. -2 'His shoulders and back would slam into her air borne body' you should put something like 'attempt or most likely slam into'

10 for defenses. +1 for each

7 for attack. +3 for attempting to slam into teeth +1 for attempted maim. +3 for attempting to bite leg shoulder/chest area

7 for injuries. -3, the impact the head would make would be extremely painful.

Round two Uisge Total: 36/50


6 for clarity- -2, how did she get up so easily? You need to explain how you'd overcome Uisge. -2 How big was the bite he gave to the shoulder?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

0 for defenses. None stated, having front paws on the brute could unbalance her

4 for attack. +3 for attempting to latch onto neck, +2 for vital area -1 for the unrealism of getting herself up while Uisge latches onto her shoulder

3 for injuries. -3 for bite to shoulder, - 2 for impact from Uisges head, -2 for sore jaws.

Round two Victoria Total: 23/50

Round 3

5 for clarity- -3, its a lot of movement to miss the jaws by shoving his shoulder up. -2, which part of her leg did he try to bite down on, bottom top center?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

3 for defenses. +1 for each seen[7]. -2 for leaving scruff vunerable. -2 for lifting front legs up which would cause him to unbalance

5 for attack. +3 for bite, +2 for trying to limit movement

7 for injuries. -3 for bite to shoulder

Round three Uisge Total: 30/50


6 for clarity- lack of detail, how did she step back to usiges blow so quickly?

8for powerplaying.'would then snap again at the brute's windpipe' you need an attempt!

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. -2 for looking at cataleya, theres not enough time to do so. +3 for attempting to bite throat. + 2 for vital area.

6 for injuries. Notes

Round three Victoria Total: 28/50


Uisge: 105/150

Victoria: 71/150

And the winner is...

Uisge! Victoria must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Uisge- Bruised head, bite wound to left shoulder will tak 2 ooc weeks to heal, will scar.

Victoria- Bruised jaw, possibly fractured teeth, will take 3 ooc weeks to heal, bite to shoulder will take 2 ooc weeks to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight guys!

For Dragon
make sure you think about the other wolfs attacks, i felt like you took very minimum damage to her counters!

For Victoria
Make sure you reread what you write! I found it very hard to understand at times. Include atleast 5 defenses in each post eg- Ears pinned eyes slit, hackles raised etc. Try not to have so much movement, Fights happen very quickly!

- By [Luisiana]