


04-15-2014, 11:00 AM

Destruction?s main goal of gaining a hold upon the red woman?s neck was successful, jaws clamping down upon the flesh just above her shoulders. First to the left and then to the right, back and forth she would shake her large cranium with as much force as possible. This position, depending on her opponent?s moves, could leave her neck more open than she would have liked, though she was rather certain the other would not go for a killing blow. If anything a hold too close to her throat would simply call for submission... To try and pull away or move too much in that case would risk too much damage.

No, she had to focus on the now. Her legs were spread and weight almost evenly distributed, with the exception of her right leg that was still within the grasp of the other femme. Destruction was trying to keep the leg pressed upon the ground, again using her heavier weight to try and prevent being dragged back as her opponent tried to scuttle backwards. The attempt was not completely successful however. While it would help to slow the progress some the other woman would manage to drag in back maybe a foot or so, the jaws of the other fae managing a better grip and attack at the limb. Teeth would tear the area on the outer half, though a tooth her and there gaining a bit more distance to her inside, of her right elbow.

Pain would flare up from the punctured spots as blood trickled down her leg. She was sure that her opponent must have torn a ligament, if not more than one. Ears would press flat to her skull, eye narrowing as much as it possibly could as she let out a snarl of pain that would rumble through the woman?s scruff. The fur on her hackles was raised, and the woman would make sure to keep her tail tucked even if her opponent was right in front of her. In her eyes, or rather, eye, she had the better thing going for her at the moment. But when the red woman let go of her leg the current attacks would be fading and moving on to those of the next round.

To the side the woman would jerk, moving her body toward Destruction?s own. The movement was sudden and Destruction would feel her neck strain a bit as it was curved more to the right. Jaws would release their hold upon the red woman, head going back towards the left about thirty degrees as she allowed her instincts to make the next move.

Destruction?s head chin would tip forward, cutting off access to her jugular from the other woman. Her body would then instinctively set further defenses. Legs would plant firmly on the ground, letting all of her weight come down. Toes would splay out, gripping the earth to give her a better hold. She was lucky her opponent was on her right side rather than her left. Unless the red woman took the time to back up or spring away the only area for her to attack was the upper right part of her body. With her head lowered as it was, as well as being at an angle and turned more towards the right so that she was still able to see the other woman, if only partially, her chest, would be a more protected. Shoulders would roll forward, as she was unable to properly scrunch her neck in this position, just as her opponent would launch her attack.

The red woman would attack, jaws going towards the back end of her neck as the side, due to the angle of her head, would have been cut off. Destruction would start swinging her back end to the left as her opponent?s teeth found a moderate grip on the bit of neck that was exposed which as closer to her ruff and above her shoulder. The flesh would most definitely tear when she made the move, should it be successful, but once Destruction had spun her body around so that she was going in a way that would be more parallel to the woman she faced. This would not be direct however, their bodies shaped with maybe two or three heads in between them. But Destruction would take her chance and lunge forward, kicking off the ground hard with her back paws.

If her move would go as planned she would be able to tear herself loose from the other woman?s hold. Should that be the case rather Destruction would lash out with her back legs, bucking them out in hopes of catching the crimson woman and stunning her momentarily so that she could then once more turn to face her. Should that fail however, and all she managed to do was pull the other with her when she landed Des would first swip her right front paw toward her opponents left front leg near the ankle in an attempt to pull the leg out from under her and offset her balance.Whether or not that failed Destruction would then throw all her weight at the other from the side, aiming to slam her body into the red femme?s own, hopefully hitting her dead on or near the front of her right side with enough force to encourage her to let go.

"Speech" Think

-First scenario:: First Destruction is lunging forward, attempting to rip herself out of Vi?s grip. I realize that this will cause damage to Destruction as well should it be successful. If it does work Destruction will buck with her hind legs to try and catch Vi anywhere she can if she tries to come up upon her for another attack while her back is turned. If that also goes as planned and Vi is momentarily stunned Destruction will simply spin to try and face Vi again.

-Second scenario:: Destruction jumps however Vi keeps a hold. Destruction will first try and hook her paw around Vi?s lower leg / ankle area and pull in hopes of pulling her leg from under her and making her lose her balance, thus making it harder to keep a grip. If that fails, or if it only causes Vi to let go and not fall to the ground {which I would see as less likely but it is your character after all} she is going to attempt to slam her body into Vi?s own, basically doing a body slam but with her right side.

-Spreading legs and distributing weight as evenly as possibly
-Ears pinned
-Eye narrowed
-Fur on hackles raised
-Tail tucked
-Chin tucked
-?Planted? on the ground while letting all her weight come down. Spreads her toes some to help grip the earth and keep her body in a firm position.
-Shoulders rolled forward slightly

-Cut on right shoulder
-Teeth punctures on the outside half of her right front leg. A couple teeth punctuations go a bit farther though.
-Torn ligament(s).
-Teeth puncture wounds on neck area near scruff / above shoulders. {Additional damage to area pending.}

Notes:: Dione and I agreed to move this down to three rounds.

Also I hope that my post makes sense / works. Since Destruction let go of Vi on reflex {considering her head is larger and I don?t think it would have been possible to keep her hold on Vi and have Vi manage to hit her hip with her own. It seems like Destruction?s neck would have needed to bend to far in so she wouldn?t be able to keep the grip}.... But yeah I just kind of used the attacks you were going to make all the same and just kind of judged it based on how positions would flow. X.x Sorry... This sucks I know.