
Minute in a heartbeat


04-15-2014, 01:31 PM

An Armada. She should have guessed it, it was painfully obvious he was a relative, his pelt was practically identical to Sendoa's slate grey, and their eyes were both emerald green. Her brow would quirk in amusement, and she would nod her head in agreement with his terms before her defenses would begin to fall effortlessly into place. Her ears folded flat, her eyes narrowed, her muzzle scrunched, her lips curled to fully unsheathe her fangs, her chin tucked to protect her vitals and her head dropped to align with her spine. Her shoulders rolled forward, her hackles raised along her nape and spine, her neck scrunched, her knees slightly bent and squared, her weight evenly distributed throughout her limbs, and her abdomen tensed to further assist her balance. Her tail was raised to align with her spine and to be used as a rudder when turning sharply, and her toes would grip the earth for traction as she splayed and flexed all her toes. She would observe the mans body language, waiting for the moment he decided to spring- and when he did, she would attempt to move out of his way.

Without warning the larger man would shift to lunge forward, and the babe would attempt to lunge toward her own right, and away from his direct path. Not only did she want to attempt to avoid and counter his attacks, but she wished to keep him within striking range, but not close enough to do fatal damage. (shown here) She would attempt to bring them to an obtuse angle, where she is on his left side and her chest is facing his left shoulder. (shown here) She is not able to dodge his large frame hurdaling toward her, and as they make contact his left shoulder suddenly protrudes outwards, and he slams his left shoulder into the right portion of her chest. It would bruise and become very painful once the adrenaline of battle had seeped from her pores, but for now the babe was determined to succeed, and so she would do her best to ignore the pain. The mans fangs would flash toward her as his head craned toward his right, and he would strike toward her left with his mouth agape. Her neck would scrunch and her face recoiled as she attempted to avoid his bite completely by pulling her head back and slightly toward her right- only she could not completely avoid him. Fangs would scrape the flesh along the left side of her neck, peeling back a moderate chunk of her pelt as teeth grazed her. She would snarl in agony, her lips peeled back as she attempts to swiftly snap at the left side of his face with her mouth agape, bottom fangs aimed for his left cheek and top fangs aimed for his left eyebrow as she aims to deliver a painful bite to this area. She does not intend to bite and hold, but instead she hopes to peel back flesh and fur just as he had to her neck before she attempts to shift her weight. (and before his impending leg swipe she does not know about) She hopes that her bite will not only cause pain if successful, but will also tear flesh and cause blood to seep into his left eye and temporarily impair his vision. (little diagram shown here of where they would be should her attempts succeed)

Immediately upon recoil she attempts to shift her weight onto her back legs, her front limbs instinctively beginning to curl against her chest as she attempts to slightly elevate her front end. Her weight would primarily rest within her hindlimbs and her toes would splay and flex as she attempted to keep her balance steady while lifting upwards. Though suddenly the mans front left limb would swipe toward her own, and she would instinctively jut her right forelimb outwards and toward his left side, not only aiming to keep her right limb out of his grasp, but also attempting to slam her weight into his left side using her paw. (inches behind the shoulder) She hopes that this will knock him over before he manages to swipe her leg completely out from beneath her. Should she manage to remain upright, she would fully agape her jaws and attempt to swiftly strike him again, aiming to grasp a lethal hold around the center left side of the his neck. She would attempt to attain a secure grip and vigorously shake her head from left to right, not only to cause moderate to severe damage, but to hopefully jerk his neck from side to side and sprain it. (diagram of area's shown here, and full movement attempt diagram shown here.)


Round: 1/2
Attacks: Aims to bite his left cheek & eyebrow and peel back fur and flesh in response to his snap and before his leg swipe attempt. Hopes this will cause pain and blood will drip into his vision, impairing it in his left eye. | Right front limb extends outward as she attempts to slam weight into his left side (inches behind shoulder) with her paw to knock him over and prevent him for knocking her over first with his left leg swipe toward her left limb. | SHOULD SHE REMAIN UPRIGHT- Aims to bite the middle left side of his neck with jaws agape, aims to hold and shake. | Diagram of area's shown here, and full movement attempt diagram shown here.
Defenses: First paragraph & some in the third.
Injuries: All regarded in second paragraph. Diagram of current injuries shown here. Bruised right portion of chest, flesh wound to the left side of neck where fur and flesh has been peeled.
OOC: Any questions pm meeeee<3
