
Letting Go [Joining/open]

Gargoyle I


03-30-2013, 07:33 PM


There?d been no howl, but the truth was, that Gargoyle didn?t need one. He assigned regular patrols about Glaciem and did his best to throw in a couple random ones himself ? something he?d learned from Crusade. This day he?d been moving through the snowfeilds ? his massive dark form shifting in a loose, swaybacked trot. Normally his mink companion would be coming along ? either riding between his shoulder blades or bounding along behind in his paw prints, or even hanging onto his stub tail for dear life. But recently Frisk had found himself surrounded by a populations of female weasels, stoats, ferrets and minks and Creator alone knew where that self proclaimed Casanova was this evening.

Not that Gargoyle minded the alone time. Rather, he needed it to keep his sanity. But according to the winds, he wasn?t going to be alone for much longer. There were other wolves about. One scent was obviously Glaciem ? Ifrit if Gargoyle wasn?t mistaken. The two males had never really had anything like an informal exchange of words, but Ifrit was one of packmates from Second Glaciem ? in fact he?d been the last wolf accepted in before the explosion. Gargoyle had always gotten an intriguing vibe from him - He was obviously a strong alpha sort of male, much like himself ? but whether this made him out to be a threat or a comrade, Gargoyle hadn?t had time to find out.

It was time that was changed.

But of course there was another scent ? another wolf to deal with. Gargoyle couldn?t put his paw on it, but it wasn?t exactly a stranger?s scent. Hmmm, or maybe it was and his was just a bit frozen today.

The Alpha perked up his ears and picked up his step. Pretty soon he was loping along towards the border. He?d been on the move most of the day, but he wasn?t even breaking a sweat. He was a male timber wolf in peak condition ? had to be espically now that he was an Alpha with a pack to protect.

When he came upon the scene it was with a lolled tongue, but nothing else. His shoulders stiffened slightly as he looked down on what was a rather tender scene. Should he move away? What was going on here? After another moment?s observation Gargoyle realized he was looking ? not at a stranger but at Insomnia. She was another wolf from Second Glaciem that he?d barely known ? and yet he?d heard the stories! She supposedly out ran rabbits every day. She?d been the one to climb right up the back of the polar bear that nearly cost Crusade her life. He?d wanted to talk to her! But during his first months back in Glaciem he?d been rather awkward, and then the chaos of the explosion?.

The Chief had a part of him that wished to strode right up. But he?d relearned a thing or two about emotions. If he interrupted something special no doubt it would put him off on the wrong foot with these two wolves he wished to come to know better.

But even as he thought this he almost wrinkled nose. Since when had he become such a social pansy? All his lovely dovey time with Ocena must really have been getting to him.

The northern drake kicked back into a lope, slowing down only when he was close enough to converse easily. He nodded his head tersely ? first to Ifrit and then to Insomnia. ?Evening Ifrit, - and Insomnia,? his gaze ? usually quite bland and reptilian softened slightly at the sight of her damp cheek fur. ?Have you been injured? We were saddened by your leaving, but didn?t expect the pleasure of your return. Is something wrong?? he rumbled out, ?Can I help in any way?? It was then that he remembered the she-wolf hadn?t been there for his taking on of leadership for the pack. Ah well, he?d get to pleasantries later, necessity first.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~