
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


04-15-2014, 02:31 PM

The young adult, even though she was only a year old, had finally decided to actually go see the world instead of sitting and worrying about her adopted mother, Loccian. So she had slept near her old pack, then got up early in the morning, blinking and trying to wake up so she could see the world when most other wolves were asleep. The brown and white wolf had, to fill her rumbling stomach, decided to hunt something as soon as she could, then decided to at noon, instead. So, she had set off in any direction, and stopped once she heard the roaring of water. Because, right in front of her, was the cold blue water of the sea. But, as Silveris looked at it, she noticed that it wasn't the only thing. Not too far away was an island, perfect for exploring. Maybe she could make it her home. It was pretty enough. And it was large, with a few animals she could hunt. Plus, even if there weren't, she could always swim to shore. Yes. This could be her new home.

With that decision, white paws carried the brown girl easily into the water, and for a minute she was shocked at how cold it was, even now. But that wouldn't stop her, and, even though the water was dragging at her fur, Silveris managed to struggle to the shore of the island. Bi colored eyes shone as she stared at the island, and, with a quick shake of her fur, she was already walking around the island, hoping to make sure that it was covered in her scent, so that any wolves would know she lived here. After all, that was what her old pack, the one before Seracia, and Seracia itself, had done; maybe she needed to see why wolves trespassed on her territory, too. If any loners could have read her thoughts, they would have laughed at the wolf who had not been out of any pack for a long time.

Without a word, the young wolf did everything she could to explore, until it was near noon and the sun was beating down on her. So, with a few words, she slipped into the cold water for a few moments, then decided to sleep on the bank. After all, this adventuring was harder than she thought.

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