
My Lady Valhalla



2 Years
04-15-2014, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 04:34 PM by Crucifix.)

Crucifix would smile as her call joined in with his, and for the first time in a very long time their voices would ring together. He would nudge his shoulder ever so gently against her own and pass on a grin. Between his anger and determination he would not forget his joy that this was the day he would find her again, that his Twig was here beside him and that other family was not far away. The sound of their call had died out against the territory before them but it seems their wait was to be a short one as the Ruler found her way before them. He would take a moment to take in this White Woman, from the glow of sapphire that gleamed in kindness, love, a strength to her own family that surpassed blood, in her eyes to the single colour that took reign along the pathways of her coat.

Her first action would be to press her noise into the shoulder of his sister, an action of welcome and love, a simple gesture she proved she was not above making. He took it all in to see the wolf it made her and wondered if this woman separated 'revenge' and 'justice' into two very different categories, if this woman would not see that to finally give Twig the path of moving on and to clean this world of sin, he would take the doers blood. The Alpha's eyes would roam over his form now, perhaps assessing him as he had her ? she had already identified his linage to run in line with Twig's. He would offer himself forward now with a bow and a smile before he spoke. ?My Lady Valhalla, you would not be wrong. I am Crucifix Black? would be his words, his eyes raising above that bow to plant again upon her form. He took another moment, polity, before he would speak again. ?But I have come before you, not as Crucifix, but as my sister's brother.? He would cast his eyes towards his sister, hating that his next words where likely to bring up the memories, but knowing the poison of her pain could not be brought out, the wound heal, until the monster dead. ?I have been told of what has befallen my sister, the wrong done to her and also that you have the very one who did this to her in custody. So as I said, I come before you as my sister brother to stand in her stead at whatever system of Trial, or action, you implement upon him.? He knew he would need to tell her his full intent, but he wanted first to understand her own way, knowing that an Alpha would never simply let him push forth his own will. This was a family matter, but it had fallen under the jurisdiction of a pack.

"My sounds""My Soul"