
The rhythm's a little off



2 Years
04-15-2014, 04:54 PM

She would swiftly follow behind the girl; who she could only hope had a lot to learn like S'alkrie has. The placid babe had witnessed many fights, and had learnt a lot of defenses and few attacks. She loved to witness from afar, and she could only hope to use it to her advantage. They where currently head on, and had around 3 feet apart from eachother. " This will be fun, good luck!" She meant it, if they had to be partners perhaps in the future they could help eachother out; but for now her only focus was to try and win- Hoping Etern would improve where she lacked.

S'alkrie would then set her defenses quickly, Hackles raised, tail tucked, eyes slit, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed, Muscles tensed, teeth bared, crown slightly tucked to protect neck. She wasted no time, and would soon attempt to close the distance by lunging; hoping for her left shoulder to hit against Talvi's left shoulder in the hopes to knock her slightly of balance. While doing this S'alkrie would aim to grasp the left side of her opponents neck to hopefully stun her and scare her to not move, If successful S'alkrie will keep hold for as long as she can. She would be aiming on the neck near the shoulder. She doesnt aim to seriously hurt, but just enough so that she can have a firm enough hold. [since its there first time sparring and their new to all possibilities Sal hopes that there both new to it all]. S'alkries right paw would try to scratch Talvi's left side repeatedly near the bottom in the hopes to irritate the skin and cause minor bleeding. As the right paw would lift S'alkrie would shift her weight to 3 paws the best that she could. Hoping to limit Talvi's movement even further Sal would then aim her right paw to anker over her back [after attempting to scratch]and her left paw across her chest. To make it Worse, Sal would try to lean as much weight as possible to see if she could get Talvi of balance again.

S'alkrie Vs Talvi 1/2!

Defenses- Hackles raised, tail tucked, eyes slit, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed, Muscles tensed, teeth bared, crown slightly tucked to protect neck.

Attacks- She would aim to close their small distance by lunging, hoping that their left shoulders collide to stun Talvi. Sal would then aim to grasp her neck near the shoulder to spook Talvi and if successful Sal will not let go. Her front right paw would also aim to scratch repeatedly at at the bottom of Talvi's Side to irritate it. Once doing so Sal would aim to limit Talvi's movements by ankering her right paw over her back and left paw over chest.

Injuries- First round!

OOC: If theirs any problems, shoot me a pm!

image by Emily, Permission to use