
Hróðvitnisson family



4 Years
04-15-2014, 04:59 PM

Name: Hodr Hr??vitnisson
Litter: 2
Age: 2
Hodr is a bulky, formidable wolf. Standing at 37 inches he towers above many, standing at the same as his twin. Muscles line his chest, legs and jaw, covered by thick, battle-worn fur. His coat is a white as pure as snow, but underneath it's as dangerous as ice. The one thing disturbing the field of snow are black speckles around his right eye and his legs which are dipped in black halfway before it fades out into speckles amongst the snow. Piercing blue eyes stand alone in the two-tone body, adding a bit of life. A thin scar has been struck through Hodr's right eye. This hinders his sight slightly, but not too much.
Quiet, A Thinker, Happy, Bi-polar
The first thing wolves seem to notice about Hodr is that he's quiet in a crowd. He tends to stick to the sides and is quite happy to let his companions do the talking. He much prefers to sit and survey than dive into conversation straight away. He sizes up his 'friends' before jumping to any conclusions. Despite his seclusion when with a party, he's doesn't mind talking with one other, yet he's not a chatter box. If he judges his company suited, he could talk for a while, even crack a few jokes. He's never completely comfortable with those he's just met. When he's with family is when he really comes out of his shell. He can be talkative, understanding, funny, even a little cheeky sometimes.
Despite all this, Hodr has his bad days. When he has bad days, you don't want to be on his bad side. He can range from mildly grumpy to having rage attacks. He tries to hide this from his family as best he can. Whenever this happens, the real Horr completely loses control. He fights, sometimes kills. The only way he gains back control is by blacking out from exhaustion. The man thinks himself a monster because of this and when he senses an attack coming, hides away for days sometimes.
RP Sample
Blue eyes scanned the dark night. The bright moon had been covered by the thick clouds, leaving the only source of light celestial. Hesitantly, Hodr moved forward. The man was anxious not to be seen. Back at the pack it was horrible. He wasn't in Villi's favour, despite being his nephew. Ever since his siblings left it had been getting worse. He noticed others declining steeply in health as well, particularly a pup that he'd noticed... UGH! It wasn't much of an improvement when his father ruled, but at least he had his brothers then.
Blue eyes closed and back hunched in pain, Hodr sat. His hackles bristled and he kept his head low. No! Not today... I don't want it today! He wouldn't let the darkness come. Not the dark if night, but the evil darkness inside him, constantly threatening to break free of his grasp
and envelope him. Whenever it happened, Hodr tried to suppress it, shove it back. Seldom did he manage. The odds were it his favour that night, though. His eyes opened, now blood shot. Not wasting anymore time out here, Hodr silently made his way back to camp. Tonight he was victorious in the battle of his mind.