
Dont tell me friendship isn't love



04-15-2014, 05:56 PM

Lately the ivory brute had found himself shuffling his time between catching kill for any mothers within the pack, like the new one Emer, who's fate so aligned with Twig's in what had happened to her that he worried for the other wolf. To entertaining the injured pup, Erion, he had taken under his wing and been caught in the same hell-hole that Alpine had found himself in after the earthquake, and gained injuries worse then the one adorning Alpine's head in soft shades of pink, a healed scar half hidden by the folds of his scruffy coat. To finally building up the courage to begin his idea's of courting Lyric. He had brought her flowers that matched the strange shades of her Yellow-blue eyes.

Between it all days had slipped by since he had seen Twig, although he occasionally caught her scent hand in hand with that of another male's, one he was yet to meet and must surely be new within the packs borders. He knew he had no right to feel jealous of how the other wolf spent her time, or with whom she spent it with ? after all he himself had managed to keep busy with the constant movement of pack life. All the same, Twig easily fell into the category of his best friend, a confident, someone whom he trusted and could speak with so easily. He knew also that Twig had found someone who could potentially become her mate, so this new brute she spent her time with... he wondered what category he fell in within her mind, wondered if it was a new friendship that could outshine - - no. jealousy was hardly a flattering emotion, and he shamed her with its thoughts. She could spend her time with who ever she wished, and he would still always be there for her. They had shared too much, and he prized her friendship so highly he hardly dared do or even think anything that might jeopardise it. He would sigh, laying his form against the soft feel of grass, would curl his tail about his legs and rest his head against his overlapping forepaws. He loved Twig, as one would love a sister, or best friend, and already he missed the constant presence she had somehow made at his side.
