
Serious Discussions



04-15-2014, 07:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 07:08 PM by Imena.)

She laid there thinking over Erani's first question. It was hard to separate what her heart said and what her mind thought. Brows would crease in concentration, " heart says he will be back. But my mind says it wont be the same. I'm afraid of that, it never being the same again. I don't know how long it will take for me to forgive him, if I can." She said softly with a sniffle. Honestly she didn't know how she would react if she saw Cael again. Would it be like this never happened or would she hold him fully responsible for everything? It was too twisted with emotions to know what the future would hold. But Imena was never the type to hold grudges or stay anger for long. So maybe they would be together again, some day.

When Erani called for attend, Imena flinched back, blue eyes growing sharp as she picked herself back up. Her ears laid flat against her skull, tail wrapping around her as if to shield her. But she held herself tall and straight. She took in Erani's words, blinking slowly. It was true she had isolated herself. But it had just started off with her not wanting others to see her like this and it just grew worse. Eyes shifted down to her paws with a frown. She did need to start her training, and honestly she was nervous about it. She had never trained anyone before, so she wasn't sure how to go about it. But it would be a start.

As Erani continued in a more gentle tone, she would relax her body that had tensed up from the older woman's anger. She didn't want to lose this rank, she had to prove Erani that she could do it. She glanced at her legs, ears twitching. She had not given much thought to her so called "escape". She never was fully of mind when she did it, it just happened as her mind went blank. But she had to find a way to stop it. She looked back up, eyes more clear than they had been in a long time."Erani..I need your guidance once more. I don't know how to go about training and reconnecting with the pack. I..I always had Cael with me and it had been so easy. If I ever felt unease or shy I could turn to him. But I have no one now. I need..i need one more lesson Erani. A lesson on how to be a Theta Valhalla can be proud of. She replied with a slight hiccup.