
Do you wanna build a snowman?



3 Years
04-15-2014, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 07:46 PM by Svetlana.)
{{Ooc:: The fox kit is Svetlana's companion, Korrin. xD Cute little babus meeting babus.}}

There were two very wonderful things that Svetlana had come to appreciate in her young life. The first was sleep. The action was blissful, beautiful dreams entering her young mind of the night and during her naps during the day. In those dreams anything could happen, so many wonderful and beautiful things. Her favorite dreams were those in which she had beautiful wings. She was dreaming now, even as her siblings started to stir... or two of them.

A large dark shape, dark as the night sky would approach. It had bright red eyes, a sign of evil, though the young girl knew not of such a thing... not exactly anyway. He appeared almost wolfish... with a large, empty, gaping mouth. It looked... pained... and there was a dark look in it's eyes. He would approach Svet, the young angel of the dream world she had created. It would speak, begging to be saved. From what she did not know, but the creature wanted help, and Svet would respond to it.

This was how many of her nightly dreams were... saving different creatures that came to her in her dreams. She would take their darkness, her pale body becoming darker and darker, even her once pure white wings were covered with black. Svetlana would reach out, touching her nose with his own. The creature's darkness would fade, his body becoming pure white, while her own grew darker, the last of her color wiped out by the black. A strange tiredness would overcome her... and her eyes would slide closed, body falling to the earth... still. So very still... and when she opened her eyes she would be looking at herself. Bi-colored eyes would widen with fright...

The nudge of her bother startled Svetlana out of her sleep. The pale mini-Raisa would jolt her head up as a squeak of fear left her. She would look around worriedly. What a relief it would be when she saw the den of her siblings and mother. The chubby pup would get up on short legs, calming herself down. It was just a weird dream... and her momma waking her up. She would look to them all again. Out...? While her other siblings asked if it was really true they would be going out into the world the little pup would take matter into her own paws.

Giggling excitedly she would make an awkward stumbling run out of the den, rushing past all of them. "Go go!" She didn't get far out of the den, however, before she tripped, body tumbling over the form of another creature, a yip of fear filling the air. But the cry was not that of a wolf. As young Svet turned her head to see what she fell over she would see a young fox kit upon the grass, cowering down on it's belly in front of her.

The little creature had black fur, though silvery-white covered her face and her inner ear fur. Her throat and a spot on her chest, as well as her paws, were also a snow white. The poor thing was scared and a bit malnourished, her body skinny even for one of her kind. Gray eyes of the little creature were focused on Svet, who upon seeing how skinny the little creature was, thought there was only one solution. She would call to her mother, little tail wagging.

"Mamma mamma lookit! Its a babu Koros! I thinks she needs a breffast!" Her stomach would rumble. Yeah... that was the other thing Svetlana really enjoyed. Food.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
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