
let me be your ghost



4 Years
04-15-2014, 07:49 PM

With autumn building, the frigid air had even more of a bite to it than it might have before and Serra was rapidly discovering that she had never been built for the cold. Her body was wracked with shivers every so often, but the promise of discovering something new was enough to tug Serra's paws along anyways. She had never been one to love the snow and ice, but still she found herself wandering along, defying any sort of rhyme or reason with her wanderings. For the moment, she wasn't walking with her nose pressed to the ground, seeking the lost figure of her brother - no, Serra was content to explore in silence, leaping playfully through snow drifts every so often.

It was a strange sight, perhaps, to see the multi colored female to make her way along. She would prance through the thicker patches of snow, lifting her paws high and leaping into larger snow piles as she desired. The cloak of regality that Serra wore with such regularity was for the moment abandoned, and Serra found herself acting like a pup in the blissful silence of this frozen winterland. There was no reason for Serra to control herself, so she let herself play. After all, Serra was barely 3 years old. She was still a young wolf in the eyes of many - and she had many years yet to go. What was the point in living if you couldn't loosen up every once in a while?

Anyways, there was something about snow that just made you want to play a little. Of course, Serra was also rapidly remembering now why she didn't like snow all that much. The cold was seeping beneath her now dampened fur, and chilling her to the core. As her shivers began to occur more and more rapidly, Serra found herself turning south, seeking an exit from this frozen wasteland. Her opinion of it had changed already - the rose tinted glasses with which she had viewed it earlier were abandoned now as Serra began to journey back from the direction in which she had come.
