
let me be your ghost



7 Years
Extra large
04-15-2014, 08:17 PM

Quelt had lived through many lies within his life, simple ones, far less complicated that would pull at someone else?s paws. When he was younger it was all about keeping himself out of a higher meaning, being the son of a duke. Also being the one who was more than inclined to take care of the others, especially his siblings. No matter how deep you dug into his brain, the simple fact of the matter was his subliminal wishes to pull a metaphorical fish out of the water. What better place to search for this thing, then the submerged woods. With the on setting deeper within autumn, the water was now freezing over into a thick fresh parcel of snow. Only the tips exposing themselves as compared to the summer when water would overtake the edge?s rendering it a harder place to maneuver around for sure.
A dark black paw would come to rest on the edge of the forest as the wind travelling through his fur. The rest of his dark slate blue paws settling down as his body became more of an alert stand. Quelt?s head would turn from one side to another, checking his surroundings, he knew he had scented something before but he had wanted to be certain it was who and what he thought it was. His oddly bi cut eyes would narrow, then widen when he saw the shape of a small woman looking to be the same colors as he. His black tail would tuck slightly, as he lowered his head to sniff the ground and clarify that it was indeed his sister that he was smelling.
It sent small shivers down the massive man?s spine, as he carefully stepped one paw in front of the other. Soon before he knew it his limbs were carrying him in a run, muscles rippling under his skin and dark stripes across his back. Sliding across the ice and snow he stopped himself, to slide out in front of her. Not only staying quiet, but for the habit of trying to catch his breath as he stood in front of the small girl. She was still as small as ever compared to him, specially where his height was. A smile spread across his face in the most gleeful of ways, as he laughed a bit.
?Serra!? he let the word leave his lips like it was some delicate flower of insanity. Lower his head he would urge to touch her, and run his snout across her shoulder and try to hug her. As well as smother her in a flutter of kisses over her muzzle. She was alright, and that relieved him beyond what anyone would be able to feel. He laughed, and backed up a bit seeing as he didn?t know if that was a bit too much for the greeting he had given.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]