



7 Years
04-16-2014, 02:19 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

The day was like any other, but this one, as well as the previous ones, were slightly more significant in nature. They resembled a turning point in her life - in the lives of her family. No longer were they exiles cursed to live the life of the homeless, without a friend to turn to and left at the mercy of fate as well as the masses of wandering rogues. Now they were pack wolves again, carrying with them a new purpose, a new fire, to rekindle their spirits and their drive to make something of their lives. They had safety, friends, and stability. Seemingly overnight they had regained everything they had lost. Granted it was nothing like Seracia had been - as much as Tahlia detested the state of things there presently she could not argue that when she had joined it had been utterly perfect - but it was close and could, she hoped, one day become just as ideal.

With young children in tow, the happy mother walked with the pair of pups through the new land of their home, a prideful smile of satisfaction situated almost impishly upon her lips. There were no words to express just how happy she was with the surprising turn of events. She had not seen it coming, their untimely move as well as all of them being welcomed into a pack together. Seracia had been full; it was the reason she and her children were not still there. And she had not imagined there to be places welcoming of such a large group as theirs. Maybe it was all for the best, she wondered, skirting along the edge of the rock-filled space with her gaze fixed upon a lone standing tree, maybe it was all leading up to now. Not often did things feel so perfectly lined up - in fact, she could only recall one other time, that of when she had inherited her sister's place in her first marriage - but it felt right. This was their second chance, an unexpected opportunity to rebuild the dream that she had carried so closely to her heart all these years, and she intended not to waste it.

"Right over here should do," she informed her youngest two, halting beneath the shade offered by the tree. Overall it might not been impressive but any shade to be had during these last bits of summer were to be cherished, and considering keeping the children contained was becoming increasingly difficult any comfort she could find while supervising them was heaven sent. So she reclined upon her curved haunches and eased herself to her stomach, dark gold eyes watchful of Kailos and Lior as she considered her options. They were old enough now, she supposed, to no longer be cooped up inside of a den, as she was often reminded of when she did share those close quarters with them. Would they be ready yet to begin training of any kind? There were many within the pack already, plenty for her to seek instruction from for her children, and she knew sooner or later it would need to happen. Why not start now since it seemed they had the energy to spare?

Her thoughts were still rather preoccupied when she could almost sense something amiss, an innate warning of danger though nothing appeared to be immediately threatening. It was only a fraction of a second's warning that she had before the quake struck. The ground beneath her shook and shuddered, and had she been standing she was almost certain she would have been unbalanced by the commotion. There was no need to call out to the kids; on wobbling, terrified legs they had managed to crawl back to her, and lifting her front half from the ground Tahlia sheltered them beneath her, one paw raised to press them close to her. It all happened so fast and so noisily that she had not heard the tree begin to uproot, had not seen the shift in its shadow, as it began to fall her way. The weight of the bows that came down over her was startling, catching her entirely off guard and nearly bringing her down on top of those she was trying to protect. A strangled cry of pain escaped her wrinkled muzzle as a combination of stinging and burning enveloped the entirety of her right eye, that alone enough to bring her to her knees were it not for her children that were counting on her. Eyes clenched shut, the last remaining shudders of the earth stilled, and an eerie silence settled over the trio, interrupted only by their worried whimpers and frightened gasps. "Are you alright?" Her tone was frantic, shaken, demanding of an answer. She could not see them - her eyes were clenched shut against the stinging and pain - but she was sure she could feel them still. Were they okay? Had Kailos and Lior been spared?

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier