
Ancient Dances



04-16-2014, 05:42 PM

Cormalin?s invitation was answered swiftly. The wolf who came to dance with him was Alpine, the wolf courting Lyric, his niece. Mismatched eyes swept over the male, assessing him with interest, as his body fell into it?s easy defenses; Paws falling into a balanced, square stance, tail lifting to level with his back. His shoulder blades rolled forward as his hackles lifted, fluffing around his pinned ears, plush against his tucked chin. His weight rolled back to rest in his haunches, pelvis bearing the weight easily, allowing the strength to coil in his muscles.

?My name is Cormalin. Brother of Erani. I?m glad to meet you in the flesh.? One eye closed in a quick, friendly wink, before both lids lowered into a protective squint. ?I?ve heard a lot of good things about you. Erion, Surreal, Erani, and Lyric all have good things to say. You should rise swiftly through the ranks.? He grinned through slightly parted jaws, lower jaw hanging loosely. His claws extended as he stretched out his toes a bit, raking into the soil until they had a firm hold. ?Now, don?t hold back. We may be pack mates, but this is training; we can take a few bruises. How else will we toughen ourselves to real battles? Mind, no maims, of course.? A low, rumbling baritone laugh rippled from his chest. ?But make this a fun challenge of skills, aye?? With that, he charged forward, words left behind, as silence fell.

Cormalin charged in a short circumference, to the left (Alpine?s right), then swerving in to his right, (Alpines Left) aiming to attempt at coming in fast for Alpine?s right side at a diagonal slant, dropping his right shoulder low, before jutting powerfully forward in an attempt to ram the point of it into Alpine?s right side ribs, aiming for just behind the elbow. If successful, he would propel his weight upward in an attempt to lift Alpine off his front feet, jaws snaking in at Alpine?s upper right back in an attempt to grab hold of the skin and fur there.

Hind paws fell level beneath his pelvis as he pushed himself upward, hoping to take Alpine up with him, forelegs attempting to grasp his shorter opponent about the ribcage (behind the front legs.) and back in a bear-hug. Left foreleg would attempt to rest on Alpine?s back, while the right moved in a simultaneous bid for purchase. Tail swept through the air, acting as a balancing rudder, as his hind claws dug into the soil beneath him for further traction.

Fight Stats

Round: 1 of 3

Defenses: Listed in First paragraph, then drizzled in throughout rest of the post.

Attacks:He attempts to circle quickly to the left, in order to try and charge in at Alpine's right side. His shoulder drops low to attempt at ramming the point into Alpine's ribs, behind the elbow, as he rams his shoulder forward. If successful, he then thrusts his weight upwards (Sort of like he's rearing) in an attempt to lift Alpine off his front feet and shatter his balance, while attempting to grasp Alpine's upper right back area in his jaws. Finally, during all; this, he attempts to wrap his forelegs and paws around Alpine's barrel, left paw intending for the back, and right paw/leg aiming for grasping around Alpine's underside of the barrel.

Injuries: N/A, First Round

Out Of Character Notes: Yay for diagrams, eh? Aerial: Side: