
Little Moments



2 Years
04-16-2014, 05:24 PM

The sunset was an accusatory splash of blood against the late sky, a mottle of colours that fluxed and shifted seemingly at the whims of the wind. The dark of the night would not be far behind, and the shadowy, dark form of the brute blended with the dull sheen of minerals that gave little in the way of life or colour to the endless sand beneath his paws.

It was a long stretch of beach that seemed endless to the eyes, across the open terrain first and second against the backs of stones and cliffs that skirted against the water?s edge. It was a hard trek to take at a run, with the sand loose beneath his paws and taunt muscles but there was also something freeing about the feel of the wind that tugged against his coat and the spray of dim red light that lit his path. He was gone from the sandy back of the beach, coiled muscles springing him lightly to the rougher terrain of stones and crumbled cliff sides. His tough pads found grip as he landed from his jump and his race became one of leaps, from stone to stone as the non-existent pathway took him ever higher.

Eventually, with heaving sides and heavy breath he stilled, finding himself on one of the largest rocks that overhung slightly into the water edge. Its centre held a crevice with a pool of water and signs of life and little movements within. His own purchase was just before it, dry but for patches of moss. It was from here that he viewed the last rays of sunlight as its golden, reddish tones touched against the far banks of water, an immeasurable distance away and was gone, plunging him into darkness.

"My sounds""My Soul"