
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]



3 Years
04-16-2014, 08:24 PM
Come along, she was told. They would all rise, finally allowed to leave the den after the earth had shaken so violently. Even Arisu had been afraid, curling closer to her mother and Solo than usual. It even had her talking a little more, though mostly to Solo, or Vivek if he would listen to her. She liked her brothers much more than Fia and Hestia... especially with Fia still playing as if she was the boss because she was the favorite. It was making Arisu grow to like her less and less. But rather than encourage an fight the girl chose to simply ignore her. The effort would be wasted anyway... it wasn't like Fiamette would come to understand, at least in her own eyes.

So she would trail along with the others, sticking close to her brothers as she did so. When they finally came to a stop she would look around at those gathered. She was not in awe of the numbers, not really, but going over each with her gaze and mentally noting if she thought they might be an annoyance or not. Other pups were almost immediately marked as an annoyance. Arisu did not want to interact with the loud, yipping mess that made up those of her age group. No... the girl wasn't even one who cared much for play and, when she did, it was taken as a more serious task then it should have been.

But Arisu had been distant like this almost since she opened her eyes. Her mother favoring their elder sister, in it's own way, encouraged Arisu's distance. Fiamette's arrogance encouraged both silence and thought, for she would observe and learn from the mistakes that others would make. The girl would look to their leader, the one that her mother mentioned as The Oracle, as she spoke. Things that did not apply to her or her family were said... wolves mentioned who she had no idea who they were.

But finally a question was asked of their mother and Arisu would blink, something strange sparking with her. The dull russet pup would turn her head to her mother. "Momma, I feel we are ready." She spoke on behalf of her siblings, simply from what she had observed. Solo and Vivek, in her eyes, held the most promise. Hestia too might get along well if she learned to calm herself and not respond so readily to fights. Fiamette, if she could control her ego and not be quite so arrogant held promise as well. Her? Well Arisu was certain she'd make something of herself. Whether it was great, whether or not it was well known, well, that didn't matter. She would be who she was and be the best at that. That was satisfactory enough.