
When times come and go


04-16-2014, 09:31 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Between the two parents to be Birch was certainly the one who, outwardly, the most excited. It was cute to see, though Ellis had her paws busy. Herb collection, making sure it was properly dried and stored in her den, was something the young woman was busy with. Borage leaves were gathered, some burnet for strength, some thyme to ease her nerves if need be, and some as some moss for collecting water and bringing it to the den. Ellis was just speaking with Birch, explaining about the bundle of herbs she had prepared, when his mate's cry would ring out. Judging by the sound of her voice Ellis could only assume that her time had come.

After gathering the herbs that may or may not be needed the healer would make her way to the den, coming inside and setting them aside. She would sort out the burnet, placing them in front of the woman. "Eat this. It will help give you strength. Deep breaths now, ?owyn. Let your body relax as much as it can. You're in an alright position as you are now, so just focus and allow your body to do what it is meant to do. Push, but remember to keep breathing. Birch and I are here with you, and you're going to do just fine." This was not her first time assisting in a birthing so Ellis was feeling sure of her words.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.