
Don't you ever for a second get to thinking


04-17-2014, 02:40 AM

Destruction would give a nod as Arian asked the question. ?Yes... They both were. Many only know Bane as a trouble maker... And yes, he made mistakes. He did not live by Seracia rules, but he was not as bad a man as everyone thought him to be. What I am going to tell you, Arian, is something very few wolves know. Only Bane, Tahlia, and Loccian know of this.

I first came to Seracia and joined under Maverick as a wolf much darker than I am now. A wolf who would by others be considered evil. I lived by my name, Forbidden Destruction, an assassin and murderer. I was not right when I joined... And some time after I did I met Bane. I can not say that at the time I cared for him at all. In fact I hated him... But... Our meeting would lead the the birth of a single pup. The small grave here in Seracia is the one occupied by him.

As he grew I began to develop lighter feelings, sparked by motherhood. I felt love, for the first time since my own parents were murdered before my eyes and I was forced into the life of an assassin. I would do anything for this child... He was my pride and joy. But... He would grow sick... And I would not be able to bring myself to ask for help in treating him. I didn?t know how. No one even knew he was alive...

Bane would find me on the day he died. It was Dilinger?s death that made me realize that I needed others... Needed to trust them more and open my heart. I would make a sort of amends with Bane... And I would become his friend. He asked me, too, that if he were to become a father if I would watch over his children as a god mother should anything happen to him... And one day that came true.

Bane and Tahlia had children. But... Before they were born Bane was exiled. He had done something terrible... Yet... I feel part of it is my blame. He stole a child. His own child with another woman. I don?t know why he did, or why the child got injured, but I can?t help but feel if I had just let him see Dilinger that maybe, just maybe he wouldn?t have done it. Regardless... Bane was banished.

I would become a closer to friend to Tahlia and watch over the children as promised. I was even supposed to start training Nako, the son he brought here by another woman. I would go to see him too... Though in secret. Then Loccian, falling ill after the horrible storm, would ask me to take care of Seracia for her. I would accept... She was the first wolf who I had ever spoken to of these matters and I trusted her. We spoke of what was to be done with the wolves here... And certain things to keep our numbers organized. Little did I know that in agreeing to this I accepted the very law that got Tahlia and her pups sent away from Seracia. I don?t know where they are now... If they are okay. I can?t bring myself to check the Rio Grande where Bane had been living.

...Then, as if that wasn?t enough members began leaving Seracia left and right. I?ve been trying to hold it together for Loccian but... I feel like every step I?m taking is wrong. Everything is falling apart and, in the end, I?m going right back to where I started... With pretty much no friends and a broken faith. I don?t know what to do anymore... Seracia feels empty... I feel empty... I?m lost...? ...and the events leading up to her current state would be spoken, released from her heart and her head onto Arian?s ears.
