
Heavens Gates Won't Open Up For Me


04-17-2014, 02:50 AM

The happy greeting was well received, and certainly welcomed. The time away from Seracia would do her a bit of good, she was sure, especially in good company. She would move to sit next to him, curling her tail around her front paws as she looked to him. He would ask how she was and then, moments later, notice her eye. The scared area around the outside and how the left orb was now gone from her head. The female had gotten used to being down to only one eye, though it must have been strange seeing her without it now.

"A bad storm ripped through the lands during spring. In the territory I live there are two human dwellings, a barn and shed, that is around our main den site. The winds were so strong that part of the shed collapsed and derbies were sent flying. I happened to get struck by some metal in the eye... it was badly damaged so it ended up getting removed. Even as my face looks now it looks better than it did I'm sure." She would shake her head. "But I am alright, and that is what matters. Quite a lot has changed since I last saw you. I'm actually in charge of Seracia right now as Queen while Loccian recovers from an illness that overtook her after the storm."

She would chuckle softly. "What have you been up to? You still have yet to carry the scent of a pack on your coat."
