
Minute in a heartbeat


04-17-2014, 02:40 PM

Within a range of a few seconds, there would be blood spilt, his teeth would make contact but not where he wished it to. As she had shifted to make them into an obtuse angle, it made him automatically duck his head as he kept his scruff rolled forward to protect his neck and shoulders area. His left eye would be partially missed the bite sinking into the lower portion of the face pulling flesh across in a large wound. Bleeding out he would ignore the pain as he went through with his leg swipe. As her paw made contact with his thick chest and she began raising herself he would attempt to raise himself in response to it as she rose herself as well. Though then he aims to drop his weight as soon as her bite made contact with the scruff of fur that he had set as a defense. Her attempt to cause severe pain and damage thwarted as she tore back mostly fur and dug her teeth inch deep into the side of his neck. Etern would then attempt to shoot his body weight up and raise his left shoulder underneath her neck as hard as he could.
His abdomen tightened and back toes splayed into the dirt for more traction. His head would then turn to the right jaws agape with her current position. Aiming to bite onto her rib cage right below the elbow, with a shake of his head to tear off in a deadly hold. Etern's ears pinned against his head as he then attempts to push her over with his weight. Using his back legs to try and push her over on her side in a flailing fashion. Etern's body weight would rise as he tried to shift his weight to make them stand in a right angle. Using his right limb he would then attempt to push on her lower rib cage to throw her over onto the ground. His injured neck bleed out he lowered his head slightly and kept his eyes narrowed keeping his spine equally aligned with his body for balance. Back leg muscles supporting his weight as his toes dug deeply into the dirt for traction.

2/2 for overseer

Attack:; As her bite aimed towards the side of her neck makes contact with his defenses of rolled scruff and fat forward it digs about an inch deep in and tears through fur and flesh. Etern would try to raise his body then drop it suddenly to throw her off still facing in the same obtuse angle as they were before. He would raise his left shoulder towards her neck and tender underneath to cause disorientation and discomfort. Then the man would open his jaws agape and aim for the portion of her ribcage just below her elbow. His right limb as he rose to rest his weight on his back legs and straightened himself to make them into a right angle would try to push her over.

Defense:; Scruff rolled forward, head tucked slightly ears pinned against his head and eyes narrowed. Toes splayed digging into the dirt, abdomen muscles tightened.

Injuries:; Half inch deep wound just behind the left eye, two inches in length across. Inch deep wound on the left side of his neck near the scruff, missing fur and slightly peeled flesh.

ooc: I do not do diagrams because they suck >.< so sorry if this post made no sense, I'll be gone till Saturday so if you are confused about anything skype me or wait till then. God this was a horrible last post xD tried my best to make a counterattack though! Woop.
