
Annihilation Will be Unavoidable



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04-17-2014, 05:14 PM

Shadows beautifully hid him, and they would have been perfect, yet they were not fire; not fire that could caress his body and promise him safety from the races forever. They were not the fires that had locked his body into an embrace that he had thought was going to be very eternal, and he was glad, for while those embers were an incarnation of elegance they were not something he could tame and they were not something that he could stop. They clung to him an ravaged his skin and his body showed the ramifications. Had it not been for the man that saved him he would be dead and with his death would be gone the hope for anyone in the forsake world. Why, though, did the other risk his face and his fate for a man that was unknown? Questions were still left to be answered and syrinx would make it a goal to one day know these answers specifically. ?
? He dragged himself across the landscape with something resembling hatred, but the evidence that it was no longer for the world but or him was clear. He was now the god of misplaced aggression, and he only wished to reclaim his title of emperor. To be the undefeated patriarch he had been before he left, after he had beat isardis at his own game. He remembered making the s ow kin finally taste failure. It had been so beautiful. He had preformed so flawlessly, and while he would admit that his victory was by a fraction, it was victory and he would take to it. Reminiscing was fun in the most extreme ways. He could recall a lot--and above all he wondered how his daughters had adjusted. He had left them to their own devices and he certainly had to admit some regret, but without him it would mean they had to develop and it forced them to be independent. Though, without a doubt, undoubtably, he would find them and shower them in his ardor. He loved them. They were of his blood and in the most pure
Sense. ?

? ?Syrinx slowed his incredible pace and let his stride fall still as he stood still as braced the incoming winds. He'd find those that mattered to him soon. For now, his heart was a rock, tonight he would spend the time learning about how he reacted again, because finding himself was the most important endeavor there was. Syrinx had a lot to live with, and he had a lot to change, though, the monster that he was had no intentions of changing. Who he was had been flawlessly pieced together, and as another night was drawing to its midpoint a dark smirk encumbered his rugged features and he considered what was to come before the -king- pressed on.?