
the mercy of my enemy


04-17-2014, 05:15 PM
He would return at last with the supplies needed for the injured Glaciem queen. He would arrive in a rush, paws slipping on loose rocks and gravel while the heat would warm his left side, pelt brushing the rock on the right. Black stained audits leaned forward as he caught traces and words of the conversation, though was it really any of his business? Yes, possibly so. He was a part of Valhalla, and Erani trusted him if he had been brought to explore new lands with her. He admired her as a leader, much more so as the mother figure he had lost. He was grateful that she had taken him in, and more grateful that she was willing to take in his lost family when they were found. But Valhalla was growing in numbers, and he was afraid that soon it might be time to go, to find solace and peace in a place where his family would be safe. But for now, those were thoughts for another time.

The figures would come into view, illuminated by the glow of the heated river as he made his approach. Setting down what he had gathered by Erani, he dipped his head in apology for his prolonged absence. "Sorry Erani, the heat from the river is a little overwhelming." He glanced at the female with the burned paw, his gaze indifferent as he did not know her, but even at first sight would not view her as an enemy. He knew little about the rivalry between Glaciem and Valhalla, though it did not concern him unless they did something to his family, of which they had not done.