
Little Moments



04-17-2014, 07:37 PM

Dayton continued to watch the stranger carefully as he spoke of disappearing summer days. "I suppose you're right about that," he replied. "And what a shame that is. But I guess there's always next year." Even as the male spoke, his words polite and optimistic, he began to worry. Winters had always been difficult for him with his light and fragile build, but now his thoughts were moving to Misha. She was even smaller than the russet boy. He couldn't imagine how awful it would be if she were to catch a cold or some other illness as a result of the weather. When he returned to Tortuga he would have to find a den for them. He would need to keep her body warm and her stomach full. Dayton needed to protect her.

His attention snapped back into place as the other boy addressed the shell in the pool. He had stepped forward to pick it up and was now carrying it gently in his mouth. Dayton noted the careful way he held it and have a smile of appreciation as the shiny object was laid at his feet. "Thank you,." he whispered, leaning down to examine it. The small shell was indeed beautiful, with an oplaescent quality to it. Yes, this was the gift he would bring home to Misha. Dayton glanced up at the other male as he gave his introduction. "Nice to meet you, Crucifix... That's another name for a cross, yeah? No doubt because of that unique mark on your shoulder - if you don't mind my saying so."

It was then that Crucifix asked for her name. He seemed only politely interested, but the older boy chose to answer anyway. To spare his acquaintance any unneeded disgust, Dayton kept the dizzying grin from his lips. He simply looked friendly as he answered, "Her name is Misha."
